Digital, Digital, Digital! Doesn’t Anybody Screen Print Anymore?!

Yes! For exterior vertical streetscape banners, Kalamazoo Banner Works by Consort, continues to offer both screen print and digital printing. And, although the process of digital imaging on vinyl media continues to grow, the screen printed textile banner is almost in a come-back mode, according to our in-house sales force here at Consort Display Group.
Interestingly, many of our customers have never ordered digitally printed street banners because they like the textile look, and many have ordered digital but have sworn back to the acrylic marine fabric screen printed banner. We are seeing the second category grow.
“Screen printed is just richer looking”, says a long-time customer from Battle Creek, Michigan. “The Sunbrella® fabric colors are warmer and more vibrant than vinyl. We’ve had both digital and screened up at various times, but there is definitely a difference. We especially like the screened marine fabric at the waterfront area where the look just seems more natural.”
“Normally customers who order screen print don’t stray from that type of banner. They are a pretty loyal customer base,” says Consort Sales representative, Suzy Triesenberg.
There is no argument that digital has some distinct advantages for more complex designs, with detailed photographic images being possible. But, as I’ve written in previous blogs, sometimes designers get carried away with complexity to the point of unreadability. With screen print, the images tend to be simpler and bolder and typically easier to understand from a distance.
For a better understanding of the look of digital versus screen print images, please view our gallery. For specific questions please contact us at Consort.
Roger Lepley