Streetlight Banners Hold Up in High Winds—Even Hurricane Force
The following is an article published by the American Public Works Association’s APWA Reporter in July 2013:
“Communities are increasingly using light pole banners to add excitement and community spirit to events and occasions. Yet many communities in high wind and hurricane zones face challenges using banners due to risks of light pole damage from the extra wind resistance created by large banners, in addition to worries of damage to the banners themselves.
While some neighborhoods find various forms of outdoor advertising amongst the debris following large storms and hurricanes, towns and shopping centers that use the KBW BannerFlex have not only saved time from clean-up, they have saved money.
David J. Cangemi, in charge of General Services for the City of Hallandale, FL was especially impressed with the banners’ performance saying, “A tropical storm came blasting through south Florida. Debris and banners were dispersed all over the city. I used KBW and not one of our banners was lost.”
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Roger Lepley